Monday, November 29, 2010

I wonder if a Dan Andrews, State Government in Victoria will make Albert Park on Fitzroy Street more people friendly by improving the design of the park and the number of shade trees

The previous Victorian Liberal Party had policies but nothing happened:
A Liberal Nationals Coalition Government will:

Assess all public parkland and open space requirements across Melbourne to ensure that as the city grows, adequate open space and parkland exists for public use.
The Liberal Nationals Coalition’s record on new urban parkland is exceptional, with large swathes of parkland established under former Premiers Hamer and Kennett. The previous government established one of the largest urban parklands in Australian history in its commissioning of Birrarung Marr.
A Liberal Nationals Coalition Government will use opportunities created through urban renewal to examine the possibility of adding to Melbourne’s public parklands. Opportunities exist in E-Gate to extend the Moonee Ponds Creek parklands and potential exists with remnant lands from roads and other
transport developments to establish new parklands throughout the metropolitan area."
A Liberal Nationals Coalition Government will:

Establish a new Urban Design Panel, chaired by the Victorian Government Architect to oversee design competitions for government-funded public infrastructure and community projects;

Restore independence, authority, independent funding and a fixed four year tenure to the office of the Victorian Government Architect to give Victoria an architectural guardian over the built form of our state.
Whether it is a bus shelter or a new hospital, the Liberal Nationals Coalition believes good design is essential to preserving and enhancing Melbourne.
A Liberal Nationals Coalition Government will establish an Urban Design Panel to oversee all State Government work.
The Panel will also manage design competitions for selected State Government work to enable a new quality of design in public and community infrastructure."